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Micro-Credit Loan #4

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

In order to not just give money to the people of Guinea-Bissau, but give tools and infrastructure for them to make their own money, we decided to fund loans to small businesses. These are primarily for women-led businesses and gives them the upfront funds to purchase the goods to make a business out of. These are only a £200 loan which is then repaid in 10 months of £20 each month and we can then re-use the money again to fund another project.

This is the fourth micro-credit loan given!

The £200 loan was given to Aua Balde to fund her business making wild palm oil.


Deborah Bullock
Deborah Bullock
Apr 21, 2021


Michelle Ruas
Michelle Ruas
Apr 22, 2021
Replying to

Thank you Deborah! 😀

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